The best way to grow a beard part-3

The best way to grow a beard
The best way to grow a beard part-3
Clean your beard before you trim it with a moisturizing shampoo.
It's important to trim your beard when it's clean, to make sure the hairs are softened and untangled for an even trim. Wash your beard in the shower with warm water and soap. You can use a hair shampoo or a special beard shampoo, depending upon how your skin reacts, but it's normal for most guys to just use the same soap they use on their faces in the shower. People with longer beards may prefer a special shampoo, such as Bluebeard's brand. It leaves less residue than facial washes and some shampoos.

Comb your beard regularly.
Most trimmers will come with beard combs, but you can also use the same variety of brush or comb you might use on your hair, and comb your beard downward, with the grain, to make sure it lays nice and flat against your face. This is also a good way of seeing whether or not it needs a trim. Sometimes beards are called "flavor savers" for a reason. It is possible to get food, lint, and other junk stuck in your beard if it grows especially long. Comb it regularly to keep it from becoming a bird's nest.

Moisturize daily.
If you have sensitive skin, try several moisturizers before you start growing your beard, and continue moisturizing your beard follicles and your face after you grow a beard, to keep your skin healthy underneath. A healthy beard needs a healthy base from which to grow. Lubriderm and other lotion brands are perfectly fine for using on your face and making sure your skin doesn't dry out.
Image titled Grow a Beard Step 16

Try "beard lube" to combat itchiness or dryness.
While they're not super-commonly used among men with beards, there are a variety of beard oils on the market, which can be combed into clean beards to keep them looking shiny, moisturized, and clean. It can be a desirable look, and it may give relief to men with sensitive skin who suffer from itchiness. Take a small dab of oil on a comb and lubricate the comb with the oil before combining your beard naturally. This is the best way to distribute the oil evenly throughout the hair. Coconut oil is excellent for the hair and makes for a perfectly natural substitute.
